Friday, July 9, 2010

3 years ago...

Three years ago today, July 9, 2007, was one of the worst days of my life. I had to my baby, Tucker, to sleep. He was the most well behaved, lovable, fluffy cat anyone could ever imagine loving.

The story is really long and sad, so I won't go through the whole thing, but after getting really sick and trying to nurse him back to health for several days through vet visits, blood work, shots, IVs, syringe feeding, etc, there was just nothing more we could for him. Instead of making him suffer even more to try and keep him with us, we decided the best thing to do would be to let him be free. I remember holding him in the vet's office, with his head nuzzled under my chin on my shoulder, telling him how much I loved him and how sorry I was as they gave him the shot. I didn't cry at the vet, or in the car on the way home, but I balled for longest time once I got home and was alone. I miss him so much, it still hurts. He was my baby, since the day he was born. He was the most well behaved cat, I don't remember him ever hissing, scratching or biting. If another cat or dog came along and started barking or hissing, he would just look and go back to doing his own thing, he was just a big, fluffy and cuddly love ball. I hope he knew how much I loved him, how much I still love him.

I've always wanted to stitch something in his memory, but I've never come across anything that I absolutely loved. Thanks for stopping & have a great weekend! Nick


  1. (hugs) He's so pretty!

    I still miss my Beau-Beau and Ushi. It's hard letting them go!

  2. *hugs* It is so hard to let go of our pets. I had two dogs and two cats that I still miss every day! I've come across a couple cute pet things. One is Sue Hillis the Story of the Rainbow Bridge. You could also design a cute one with the saying "Pets leave paw prints on our hearts". I've always loved that saying. I'll keep my eye open for something that might work also.

  3. so sorry to hear about your precious kitty. I dread the day we have to say goodbye to our sweet dog. My son was worried he(the dog) would be gone before he came home on R & R from Afgh. But...he is still here & kicking!!! We have had him 10 years now.

  4. What a sweet pic of your kitty! It's amazing how special they can become to us.

  5. *hugs* I know how you feel, Nick. It is so hard losing a beloved pet.

  6. I had to put my cat Finnigan down right after Christmas last year and it was one of the hardest things I've had to do. I love the pic of your kitty.
    I've got a new baby now named Clarisse. I just can't stand to live in a house without a cat.
