Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cosmos & Manolos

 Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) and Big (Chris Noth) together after two years

Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) and Big (Chris Noth) in Sex and the City 2

Ok, I admit it, I am a Sex and the City fan. Actually I am that a BIG fan. I have seen every episode multiple times, in fact I own the DVD series box set, and I saw the first movie 3 times in theaters. I know, it's weird for a guy to like Sex and the City so much, but there's just something about it. Maybe it's because I have always loved fashion and if I could live anywhere it would be New York City. To celebrate the fact that the 2nd movie comes out this week, I created this little pattern as a tribute to one of my favorite TV shows. (Click to enlarge)

satc2pattern-1.png picture by luvin_u2much

The quote comes from an episode where Miranda tells Carrie she can use the internet to shop, after Carrie tells the girls she doesn't get why the internet is such a big deal. Carrie's response is that she can't shop online because "shopping is my cardio."

And if I havn't already shown my love for Carrie & Co, tomorrow night I am going to see the new movie with several friends @ midnight, we've had our tickets for weeks. For some reason the theater here in town isn't doing a midnight showing, even though the other 8 theaters they own are, so my friends and I are going to the closest theater (about a 40 min drive) to see it. We are dressing up and going to dinner and then have tickets to the sold out cocktail party the theater is throwing before the midnight screening. I know...we're crazy, but life's too short to pass up such fun! lol

Hope everday has a "fabulous" day and thanks for stopping by! Nick


  1. I've never seen this show , but it seemed to be rather popular so I was surprised about it being cancelled. I heard that John Corbett wasn't in the first movie , but I heard that he was in the second one, so I'll wait to hear via your blog whether he was or not. I really like his acting. Did you happen to see the genealogy show " Who Do You Think You Are?" that's been running on NBC that had Sarah Jessica Parker on it? It was very interesting to see where she was able to trace her roots. In case you didn't see it, one of her great grandmothers ( can't remember how many greats) was one of the original women accused of being a witch during the Salem Witch trials . She and only one other I think , were acquitted and not hung.Her name was Elenor Ellwell. Very interesting I thought. Have fun at the movies!!

  2. Have a fantastic time! I sure wish I was going. It sounds like a lot of fun and I could sure use some.

  3. I never watched the show primarily because it came on while my kids were still up and I didn't think some of it was too appropriate. I did see the first movie and now want to work my way through the whole series. One of these days.........have fun at the show!
