Sunday, March 14, 2010

Weekend Project

This weekend I was able to finish the first three SanMan Originals freebies to the 2010 Calender, “January”, “Kiss Me” and “Frosty Mug”. Each month a new pattern is posted for the members of the SanMan message board, along with a monthly blackwork pattern. I am stitching the calendar pieces vertically on a banner that I made. I can’t wait to see the rest of the designs!

Don't mind the quilting supplies in the background, I took the pic real quick on my mom's quilting table. lol

I still haven’t worked on Wash Line Blues though, once I started the SanMan patterns I had to finish all 3! lol But I am really going to try to get some work done on it this week.

I will keep this post short and sweet so I can check out everyone else’s blogs. Hope every had a great weekend and has a good Monday, if there is such a thing! lol Nick


  1. Those are really cute Nick. I always like their cute, quick patterns.

  2. Those are neat!! I can't wait to see them as you stitch them either

  3. too cute........I am a sanman member! Will have to go check it out. I haven't been there for a while.....

  4. You got a lot done this weekend :-) Looks great

  5. This is really cute Nick! Don't worry , we all put projects aside for things we just "have to" stitch.

  6. They look great Nick. That's going to make a great banner when it's finished! And I wouldn't worry about putting a project aside to work on another - I think that many of us have more than a few in different stages of progress!

  7. Woo Hoo! Another victim! Just found your blog and thought I would stop by to say WELCOME TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD!

    Now what are we going to do about this U of M problem? (She says while grinning in the general vicinity of her Notre Dame diploma).

    Love your blog and am looking forward to reading all about your exploits soon!

  8. I just found your blog through your comment on another (forget whose) blog. I LOOOOOVE seeing 1.) new stitchy blogs of 2.) young stitchers and especially 3.) male stitchers. It gives me hope that I'll finally be able to recruit my 21 year old daughter and 12 year old son into my addiction. They've both expressed fleeting interest, but haven't stuck with it (yet). I keep trying.

    Your stitching looks great! I'm amazed at how fast you were able to finish the L*K Flip-its! Makes me feel like a slacker!

    Your posts about your car made me smile. They reminded me of my daughter. She named her 2009 Scion TC "Belushi" and her Macbook "Linus". It seems her inanimate objects tend to be male. :)

  9. I love those little San-Man designs. That's going to make a nice finish. And it's fun to look forward to the next one each month.

  10. Lovely new project. (note to self: I must get around to signing up to the SanMan board!). :0)
